Friday, May 22, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Abby graduated from her first year of preschool. She absolutely loved it, once she got there. She's not much of a morning person and so getting there by 9:00 am was sometimes a struggle. Ms. Summer was the best teacher and we will miss her.

Abby survived as the only girl with 7 boys in the class. Needless to say our house if full of "potty talk" and more things like that thanks to them, LOL!


Liesl Shurtliff said...

So cute! Boy girl ratio 1:7? I would feel sorry for Abby but I can just see those boys in love with her and Abby not caring a bit. Poor boys.

Ashlee said...

She looks so beautiful in her graduation dress. With that particular boy:girl ratio, I'm sure she got quite the education!