Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Lot! Lots of Posts Scroll Down for More...

Here is a picture of our backyard. Right now it is just a mound of dirt.

The view from standing at the side of our house looking down the street.

Abby & Jacob in the front of our lot, Andy is in the background checking out our backyard space. It is a bit smaller than we were anticipating.

See those puddles of mud...yep, Jacob went tromping right in one before I could get to him. He was excited, I was not!

1 comment:

k m said...

Cami, I found your blog through mine. I love the Rome! I was just in one of the neighbor's the other night and it was beautiful. I love the layout and you made some fantastic choices with colors, upgrades, etc...
Your kids are adorable. Looking forward to meeting you!
Kylie (KM from Our Ryan Journey)